Tag Archives: holy spirit

Daily Devotional

Monday, July 21st 2014

Live Till You Die!

Text: Deuteronomy 34:7

Don’t listen to someone who tells you you’re ‘too old’. Gods [promise is, ‘they will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh…’ (Psalms 92:14). For 20 to 30 years the century plant stands six feet tall and produces no flowers. Then in one year, without warning, a new bud sprouts. The bud, which resembles a tree-trunk sized asparagus spear, shoots into the sky at the fantastic rate of seven inches per day, and reaches an eventual height of 20 to 40 feet. Then it crowns itself with several clumps of yellowish blossoms that last almost a month. Some of God’s oldest are amongst his finest! The older, mellower Abraham was wiser than the brash, younger one. Caleb was still defeating giants and climbing mountains at 85. Anna an elderly widow didn’t just pray for


the Messiah; her vision kept her alive until He came. In his nineties, imprisoned on the Isle of Patmos, John wrote the Book of Revelation. Jesus said ‘If you…cling to life on your terms, you’ll lose it’ (Luke 17:33). You can approach life in two ways: protect it or pursue it. When the voice of safety says ‘Build fire in the hearth and stay in where it’s warm,’ the voice of faith says ‘Build a fire in your soul, then go out and pursue your vision with a passion.’ Asked why he was still studying


Greek at 94, Oliver Wendell Holmes replies ‘My good sir, it’s now or never’ what matters is not the years in your life, but the life in your years. So, live till you die!

Have you been blessed today? Because I have; I have seen how possible it is for someone to go through life without actually living. The term YOLO really summarizes everything; it is true that one can only live once but one could have achieved so much in that lifetime. Waiting for the rain to fall before getting up to clear your gutters is not living.
We as human beings must live and die in order to fulfil our destiny in heaven because we all are not long for this world. We are born then we grow till old age. Some people at the age of 55 they


already look wrinkled and way older than their years but I have seen a 70 year old woman who looks 45 or 30 even. What is the difference between these two people, the grace of God. Though one is withered in physical age, one can be a strong vibrant young spiritually and once one lets the spiritual and the physical come together as one, the human becomes a phenomenal being. One who can do exploits despite their standings or age.
When we talk about age, it doesn’t necessarily focus on numbers it could be symbolic of other forms, it could be likened to ones many years at a place of work but that organization finding it difficult to let go of that worker simply because his input does not reflect his long-term stay in the organization and because he always has a plan where there is no plan. When you put life in your


pattern of living, you become an outstanding human being. So why not give yourself to the one who makes all this possible? He is ready to receive you and is more than willing to fight till you win. Join Jesus Christ today and let him give life to your living.